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Bosch Group Explores Potential for New Facility in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, June 17, 2024 – In a promising development for Cambodia's industrial sector, Alexander Weichsel, Commercial Plant Manager at Bosch Group, has agreed to send a delegation from their Singapore and Vietnam offices to explore the possibility of establishing a manufacturing facility in Cambodia.

This initiative follows a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister and First Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Sun Chanthol, who expressed keen interest in Bosch’s operations. The Deputy Prime Minister's office highlighted the strategic advantages Cambodia offers as an investment location within Southeast Asia during their discussion on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Bosch, a global leader in technology and services headquartered in Germany, employs over 429,000 people across various sectors including technology, industry, consumer goods, and energy.

The exploration into establishing a plant in Cambodia is part of the country’s broader effort to attract foreign investment in key sectors such as agriculture, automotive and electronics, healthcare, renewable energy, and tourism, emphasized during Cambodia’s recent investment promotion mission to the European Union.

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